Name : Nur Alia Nabilah Bt Ibrahim
ID No : PTM140716791
Section: 8
Part time job while study ,many people take part time job
after semester break or else in the weekends.That raised question of it
beneficial for students to have a part time job.From my point view,there is no
doubt can benefit greatly involving the activity of part time job .Although it
might take up the time for leisure or homework , but the advantage s students
gained are worth it.The most immediate reward from doing part time job is
earning money.Money is very useful for people as it was used to buy almost
everything we owned.I being employed with a part-time job, truly do believe
that there is no wrong in having a part-time job while being a student. I
honestly think that it is an awesome, great idea for students to have part-time
jobs before they graduate from college if they have the time and resources to
do so. Students who are responsible, or learn responsibility, have nothing to
loose but all to gain by having a job.
A student that can maintain a part-time job gain excellent
first-hand experience that cannot be gained from the class. Today, if you are
looking in the help wanted section of the newspaper you will notice that even
for jobs aimed at students it is usually stated that experience is required or
is an asset. In today job force, employers do not always have time or the
resources to train employees in great depth. Experienced students applying for
a job are more likely to be hired than someone who is not as experienced. This
is because students with experience on their resume show that they have already
proven they can handle a job while balancing school and other activities.
Students can gain a lot of experience by volunteering, although employers are
usually looking for real job experience.
Having a part time job while attending class helps students
in being better prepared for the real world. A part time job along with college
workload help students to learn to handle greater responsibilities effectively,
improve time management skills, and become mentally stronger to deal with the
stress real world may have in store for them once they graduate. Students also
improve at multitasking and taking charge of their own life affairs. Successful
handling of both job responsibilities and college workload also increase
students’ self esteem as well as self confidence in their abilities.
Student life is a learning phase and the ultimate goal of
public education is guide students as they prepare to start their own practical
lives and leave the protective shadows of their parents. But class room
learning cannot perfectly mimic the conditions of the outside world. Theories
and ideas can teach students only so much. Part time jobs give the students an
opportunity to enhance their learning by personally experiencing workplace
culture and norms and develop more realistic view of the real world that is
waiting for them. Moreover, students who hold part time jobs are also better
prepared to handle surprises and setbacks in the beginning of their
professional career due to their more realistic expectations and understanding
of work culture.
Many students have reported that workplace provides an
additional dimension to their social lives, a place where they can meet new
people and enjoy good sociability. Chinese students have been increasingly
taking part time student jobs and unlike students in the western countries,
Chinese students are usually supported by their parents throughout college. A
study on the impact of part time jobs on Chinese students revealed surprising
facts. Students’ GPA increased by 0.39
point if students took part-time jobs in order to acquire work experience, by
0.27 point if the part-time job was related to their fields of study and by
0.30 point if the part-time job provided opportunities to acquire knowledge and
develop skills .
It also happens that
students often don’t realize the skills they are learning and may even not
perceive the benefits of those developed skills until sometime later . A survey
of school students in Australia revealed that most students didn’t work for
financial reasons but because they liked the independence their job gave them,
the enjoyment they derived from their work, and those who were employed were
more likely to be happy with many aspects of their lives such as money and
social life than those who didn’t have a part time employment .
Thus, it is clear that part time employment enhances
students’ college life and makes them better prepared for the life after
graduation. In addition, it also teaches them valuable skills and complements
the classroom learning. The students become better used to hard work and feel
more in control of their life affairs.In summary, perhaps many people will
think that having a part time job may affect our study, but I really think that
having the part time job can help teenagers’ future become much better, no
matter in the attitude toward money, in getting working experiences, or in
interpersonal relationship.
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