Thursday, September 25, 2014


 Name : Nur Alia Nabilah Bt Ibrahim
 No ID : PTM140716791


  Adolescence is defined as a time from 12 to 16 years of age which every young person experiences.
During this time every individual goes through physical changes and experience emotional ups and down .Every boy and girl faces many problems which experts term as 'growing up pains '.

  The first problem of an adolescent is physical appearance . Many girls and boys experience acne or voice changes . They want to be attractive and smart like the adults . They want to be dress in style .Today's teenagers are obsessed with their appearance .Imperfection is unacceptable .Some adolescents can be fat , even obese .So many teenage girls suffer from bulimia , an eating disorder to keep slim .Even young teenage boys find themselves to be either obese or too thin .They crave for bodies like the  WWF star Rock or Sylvester  Stallone .They make a bee line to the nearest gym or fitness center to build up the perfect muscles or " abs ."

  Secondly, many adolescents experience emotional upheavals. They are afraid of some uncertainties , so they tend to be come over sensitive and get angry for the slightest reason. Therefore , to express their frustration ,some of them become violent and in many schools there are gang fights . Discipline has become a big issue in middle and high schools. Some youngsters become moody, others experience puppy love .They have a lot of pent up energy that needs to be channeled into sports and other constructive activities .Many adolescents experience mood swing as there are hormonal changes in their bodies.
  During adolescence , the most important issue is peer pressure .Teenagers want to belong and they want to be recognized .They identify with their peers very easily because they speak the same language and have the same problems .But peer pressure results in some teens smoking and sometimes even taking drugs. Many adolescents like to dress and possess things with their friends have,for example hand-phone and game-boys.It is a period when they move away from their parents which is mainly due to the generation gap. They want to belong to the gang. Some adolescents get acceptance, others face rejection. This can break a young person's heart.

  In conclusion, adolescence is a period when the youngster need our understanding and support. It is a very sensitive period during which many teens need role -models and mentors.Teacher and parents must be vigilant to any changes in adolescents' behavior, so that they can help them and guide them at this time of upheaval.

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